Valuable Resources for New Engineers - HVAC
HVAC Training - Basics of HVAC
This HVAC training video will identify the purpose and goals of the HVAC system, describe basic HVAC parts, and explain how the parts work together to form a functional HVAC system.
Heat Pumps Explained - How Heat Pumps Work
How heat pumps work, in this video it is discussed how heat pumps work starting from the basics to help you learn HVAC engineering. Covered are air to air heat pumps, air to water heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, water source heat pumps, working principles, system schematics and working animations. How a heat pump works.
Superheat and Subcooling Explained
How to understand the importance of both Superheat and Subcooling. This video will go over the refrigeration cycle, where superheat is found and what will happen if a Piston or capillary tube system is overcharged in terms of compressor life.
Energy Recovery Ventilation
This video is an overview of ERV, and explains that it is very expensive simply to exhaust already conditioned air out of a building, while at the same time bringing in outside air to meet ventilation requirements and conditioning that air before distributing it throughout the building.
Basics of Fans and Blowers
This video discusses commercial fans and blowers, and looks at two types of fan impellers, the axial impeller and the mixed-flow impeller. Various models of fans that use these impellers are shown and explained.
HVAC Noise Control
This video discusses the two aspects of sound, the level and the frequency. Then the difference between Sound Power and Sound Pressure are explained. Finally, some useful “decibel math” shortcuts are presented.
Life Safety Dampers
This video discusses the concept of “compartmentalization,” the way buildings are constructed with fire- and smoke-rated partitions to keep a fire from spreading. Four primary types of life safety dampers are employed to maintain the fire and smoke ratings of walls, floors, and ceilings: fire damper, smoke damper, combination fire-smoke damper, and ceiling radiation damper.