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Locations of Networked Files and Drive Mappings


Within the File Browser > Network locations are the various production folder shares for each of the company sites.  Also shown is a shared file folder for Standards that is replicated to each sites' server.


Also indicated are the various mappings available as drive letter assignments.  The L: drive for LEED specific information, M: drive for marketing use (permissions required), N: drive for Admin use (permissions required), O: drive for project photos, P: drive specifically for direct access to the Connecticut office production content and the T: drive for the team specific folders for general storage kept separate from files intended for all.  


The Q: drive is the main production drive letter for the your particular office away from the Connecticut office.  Q: can be mapped for someone at the Connecticut office to any one of the remote offices you may be assisting any any time.  Depending on how a project is configured in AutoCAD or Revit, the Q: drive may NEED to be mapped in order to access and assist that particular remote office.


If you have any questions regarding mapping of drives, please contact IT.  (Note that the R: and Z: drives shown are unique drives that were mapped for specific uses of the author)


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