Assistance For Users Working Remotely
Updated: Jul 2, 2021
The following information will help those working remotely that may require assistance. Note this has only been tested with Windows 10 but all indications are that it will work with some prior versions as well.
When you need assistance the following steps will help negotiate a shared session via a Windows built in function,
Microsoft Remote Assistance.
Type MSRA in this search box (above), click on the Run Command menu item
Click on Invite someone you trust to help you
Click on Use email to send an invitation
The email form (above) will come up and you will select the person you would like help from. This invite will go to the user you choose. Now would be a good time to call the user.
During this COVID 19 outbreak, you can call my cell at 860-839-4226. Calls to my desk phone are forwarded to my cell as well. For the foreseeable future, I will be in the office.
During the phone call, we can finish the connection by relaying a specific passcode for the session that your system will prompt you with.
When complete, the connection will allow you and the invited user to manipulate the screen contents to support whatever issue you are having.