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Added Feature for Electrical - Symbol Offset for Wall Mounted Objects

Revit has had one fundamental flaw when it came to symbol placement versus actual model object placement. The symbols are much larger in most cases than their model counterpart and that can present challenges when creating our floor plans. Many users have offset the family from the wall to have a "stacked" look but the issue has been that the object in 3D moves away from the wall as well. Architects and clients have really begun to rely on our 3D models for interior elevations, renderings and the like and have asked if we can address this issue.

I have spent a considerable amount of time adding a new parameter to each wall based family, short of light fixtures, to provide for offsetting the symbol separate of the model object. for each of these objects there is now a Plan Symbol Offset option in the Properties box (shown highlighted below). This value will move the symbol a measured plan distance from its host. You can see the net effect with the middle device below (click image to expand).

I hope this added functionality will make everyone's life a little easier and will help our clients visualize a better model from us going forward. As always, if you have any questions or concerns or would like to learn how this feature can better work for you, please let me know.

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