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New Standards Content - HVAC Controls Diagrams

We are happy to announce new content that has been added to the Mechanical Content source file for standard details, schedules and diagrams. Due to the hard work and review of content by Ed Wellington, Brian Wetzel and David Hillburn, a robust set of HVAC control diagrams and new controls symbology have been added for use on all projects that would best apply this content. The graphic below shows just some of the new content made available. Note that some of these diagrams contain sequences of operation that have been designated as engineering notes (shown green, second image). More information about when these would be used versus our current methodology will be addressed and documented in the weeks to come.

Also, if you notice any errors or omissions on the diagrams that are included, please don’t hesitate to let the above mentioned or myself know so we can correct them in the template. While this is an amazing starting point, this continues to be a work and progress and will become more refined with time.

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