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Non-Template Naming Convention Change for Families and Views

Moving forward, in an effort to help identify and review potential new content and templates needed for use in our non-residential projects, the user group has agreed to implement the following changes (shown below). The reason for the changes are two-fold. First, it provides an ownership to the change so if any issue arises, the user can be made readily aware. Second, if there is a valid reason or consideration to the change, the user indicated can help make clear its need and the change could possibly be incorporated into our standards moving forward.

So often over the course of a projects’ life, items and changes are made and the source of the change is forgotten or made by a more “transient” inputter based on intermittent staff sharing. This new naming is aimed at assisting in the identification and helping us better understand your needs and possibly facilitate any training or reinforcement of process required.

  • All families used in projects, whether user created or from a manufacturer/vendor, shall now have the initials of the user added as a prefix to the name as follows: (GJD)-Trane Climate Changer.

  • All view templates not pre-configured within the project template shall also have the same prefix added. (GJD)-Mechanical Ductwork Partial Plans

If you have ANY questions or concerns about this new process, please let me know.

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